Planning ahead

Veronica gentianoides flowering in June

Every year its the same. You can’t wait for spring to be here and then suddenly, after an endless wait, here it is. And you haven’t ordered those vege seeds yet!

For me it’s always a balance – I’d like to grow lot’s of lovely vege, but I don’t have much time. So I go for some run-of-the-mill seed companies (as long as it’s organic) for a sure harvest.

But I also try out some heritage seeds. I do believe this is important.

There are different advantages:

living in the north of Scotland a hardy type of seed is a good idea

keeping unusual vege varieties going for future generations

you can save the seeds for next year as they are not F1 hybrids and will come true to type

increasing biodiversity in your garden

and most important:

helping to maintain genetic variety, because all that genetic breeding might go pear-shaped one day..

There are many ways of doing this: join a local gardening club and swap seeds. Or join the Heritage Seed Library. Or buy seeds from a heritage seed company.

As long as you are having fun gardening!

photo: Veronica gentianoides flowering in June – a wee cracker!